In the Darkness Between

 We have been exploring the story called I Te Timatanga, or In the Beginning, a Māori narrative about the beginning of the world as we know it. It is the story of Rangi and Papa, their love for each other and the machinations of their children who conspired to force them apart. We tried to imagine what it was like in the Darkness Before, sandwiched between Rangi and Papa. Here is a teacher example of the writing. Be sure to check out Room 25 student blogs for their offerings!

The bellows of Tū's rage could be heard from one end of Papatūānuku to the other. His anger and hot-headedness was legendary already. Even before the start of time, he was angry about something. Usually, it was about me, Tāwhirimātea. Like wind, I seem to fan the flames of his anger, making it burn hotter and more fierce.

I shifted uncomfortably in the dark, small eddies of air swirling around me as I moved. It had always been this way. I think I have the power of Air, but, like a seed sprouting in the dark, it was searching for a way out. I want to be free, too! But not Tū’s way. Not that. He would have my beloved parents killed for their love. Tāne spoke more sense, but even ripping them away from each other felt like a violence I would not wish upon them. I could smell the soft skin of Mother, and hear the whispers of Father, speaking poetry - exhalations of his love for her. I loved them deeply and felt safe between them.

Something was happening in the lightless void. My brothers, Tāne, Tangaroa, and Tū talked secretly somewhere in the dark. I could hear them whispering, planning, their hushed voices wending their windy way to my ears. Haumia, Rongo, and I sat, hunched, the weight of Father bearing down on us. The sound of my brothers' hui was disturbing, and I feared for what would come next. I just hoped that Tū would not win them over. Without Papatūānuku or Ranginui, what would our lives be?

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