Storytelling in Room 25

 We have been learning a cultural narrative from Japan called Yoshi the Stonecutter. Through various exercises, the students have committed the story to their memory and are now in the process of telling the story to an audience. 

Many techniques, such as eye contact, expressive voice, imagination, vocabulary, body language, and facial expressions, are used to engage their audience.

Caught Being Good

 Congratulations to all winners of our Caught Being Good Certificates!

Here is the recipient from Room 25.

Kauri Camp 1

 Room 24, 17, and 25 had a grand time camping from Monday to Wednesday at Shakespear Lodge at the end of the Whangaparaoa peninsula. The sunshine was magnificent and the location quite stunning!

After meeting in the hall on Monday morning, the students, teachers, and parents piled into the two buses (though one of them was quite late!) and set off for the North Shore. The bus journey took about an hour and involved driving through a "pest fence" automatic gate.

Arriving at camp, we got organised in our bunkrooms and prepared for the first activity. Seven groups, eight activities, including Sailing, Raft-building, Coasteering, Kayaking, Archery, UHF Radios, Climbing, and Bush Cooking.

I was positioned at the beach so I got to see a lot of water activities. I learned a few knots that are useful for lashing timber together and helped some other groups launch their craft.

Camp was a fantastic experience filled with exciting activities, great food, and funny people. I was a little sad to see it finish, but I also missed my family, so I just appreciated the time I had there.

Term 4 is here!

 Welcome back everyone to the last term of the year, the final push, and, for some, the last few weeks of Primary School!

Lots happening this term (as usual). Athletics is at the forefront of our physical education, culminating in a competition at Lovelock Track. 

Kauri Camp is coming in week 3 and it looks like it's going to be amazing - so many awesome activities await those attending!

We will see the Cultural Groups doing their thing this term, and the resplendent festival will again grace Rocket Park. Watch out for Family Fun Night as well when we will get a repeat performance from our fabulous groups.

The sun is out, so hats are on this term. Please consider putting sunscreen on your children every day.

Looking forward to a wonderful conclusion to the year!

Art Exhibition is Open!

 ลŒwairaka is proud to present our fabulous Art Exhibition!

Every class has been working very hard this term to produce three different art works:

  • Art based on a NZ or Pasifika artist:
    • Room 25 made masks inspired by Peter Gossage
  • A collaborative art piece with contributions from all students:
    • Room 25 constructed a (mostly) scale city under attack from giant creatures
  • Another piece
    • Room 25 students chose from three options: pencil sketch, Dada art, or animation.

Capital E Theatre Comes to Visit

 We were treated to an unusual form of mulitmedia theatre from the Capital E Theatre Company. Most of the company were in Wellington while another travelled around as their technical link.

It was interactive, live, and very engaging for the students as they learned about NZ history from various historical roleplays.

Te Tuhi Trip

 Room 25 went on a visit to Te Tuhi, the art gallery in the heart of Pakuranga.

There, we were treated to a guided art project involving "etching" on a painted surface, and a brief visit to the gallery before heading back to school.

Our class made a collborative project that reads: Aotearoa New Zealand 4 Ever

Visiting Olympian!

 We were very lucky to hear some inspirational words from the Olympian Samantha Charlton. She related her story of her journey to no less than three Olympics (as well as many other competitions) representing NZ in hockey.

It was very refreshing to hear how it was not all gold medals and success! In fact, her message was one of perseverance and determination rather than victory, though her team did manage to get gold in the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games. She never gave up, even after multiple attempts to unsuccessfully join the team. We also heard about the Olympic Values of Friendship, Respect, and Excellence.

Welcome back to Term 3!

 This is going to be a very busy term. We have an art exhibition later in the term so lots of cutting, painting, and gluing will be going on. Kauri students are exploring Measurement this term as well as revising everything else they've learned this year. Writing and Reading is focused on dialogue and screenplays as we prepare for the Ako Hiko Film Festival. We even have music lessons! 

Let's hope winter is kind to us!

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