Ponder Term 2, Week 5




  2. A Tsunami is very dangerous for small towns and city's and villages the tsunami can crash so powerfully that usally what ever is in it's way crashes or gets damaged.

  3. Hi, Ted here
    If there was a natural disaster I evacuate but if I was suck in it I would hide under something. Ted

  4. if there was disaster i would run to the an far place from the disaster

  5. Kon'nichiwa, 25-goshitsudesu. I think that everyone should make sure they have enough food :> Akuseru senpai kara no heiwa

  6. Kia ora R25, if I didn't know it was going to happen I would hide under something or go somewhere safe in the room. But if I did know that it was going to happen I would leave the city and I would maybe come back when it was safe.
    Blog you later!

  7. Hello, Mackenzie here. I think that if a tsunami comes you should go to the sky tower. And if a earthquake comes go under something strong like a table. And if a volcano erupted I would go as far away as possible and bring my dog:). What do you think? Blog Ya Later.

  8. if there was a disaster i whould make sure that everyone i love is safe firs then i whould find somewhere to hide till it pass and thats what i whould do bye ramona.

  9. Hi room 25 if there was a disaster I would bring water so i could stay hydrated and would bring food so I could eat.

  10. A Tornado is another dangerous thing that is quick and speedy if there was a Tornado you would have to run or travel away even. A Tornado is a very dangerous thing that kills a lot of people and things around it.

  11. Slippers, sunscreen, a hat, a blanket, IMPORTANT STUFF, food, water. Because you need to stay hydrated, you cant starve, you need to take a phone or device you can communicate on, a blanket so you stay warm, a hat so you don't get sunburn, same with sunscreen and slippers so you don't step on any glass or dangerous stuff.

  12. Hi Rm 25!
    For a Tsunami: you should go to high ground and wait for the Tsunami to pass.
    For a Volcano: If you are not close to the volcano, shut all the windows and doors and go to the store to get things you need. If you are close to the volcano, pack necessities, and go to the nearest safe center.
    For a Earthquake: go under the table and curl up like a turtle.

  13. KIa Ora Room 25, my name is Milo is room 25. I really liked this post because it made me think very hard about emergencies. If I were in an Earthquake I would make sure to get my slippers on so my feet do not get cut from glass and sharp objects that would be lying on the ground. I would also go under a table because big objects and stuff could crash or fall on me and it wouldn't be very good. Also, if the whole neighbourhood was flooded at night I would get a large object to create some noise whcih could maybe attract some attention to the people so they could then quickly evacuate out of their home. Anyways, I really liked this blog post. I thought it was really good to ask people what they would do so they could have some more idea's if they were in an actual emergency. What would you do if you were in an emergency? bLoG yA lAtEr! Milo. P.s, check outMy Blog. BYEEE

  14. In a earthquake you would want to have a torch if it happened at night. I would go outside and wait for the earthquake. Then if the house was still sanding I would turn the tap on with the plug in the sink because you would probably not get any more fresh water.

  15. Hi what I would do is that I would move all the fragile thing somewhere safe, make sure everyone is in a safe spot and carry something that can contact the news and also if you are running away from the disaster bring some healthy food. Danica


  17. Hi and hello people,
    If there was a disaster I would swing bye KFC and drive away!

  18. And get a Double Down Bacon Lovers Hash like I had yesterday night!

  19. Hi Room 25 if I needed prepare for a earthquake I would find a safe place to stay and as far ways as I can and find lots of food. blog you later.

  20. Helo room 25,

    the first thing you should do when you get your earth quake is to pack your bag with some
    food like canned spaghetti and some fruit, you should pack a torch and some batters you should also pack stuff like a radio or a cell phone to keep in touch with news. After that you should get your pet (if you have one). If your near a active volcano get as far in land as possible and if you are by the sea and you get a Tsunami warning ( or if you know that your near the sea) go as inland as possible or as high ground as possible.
    blog ya later

  21. Kia ora Room 25,
    My name is Stephen from Room 24 at Owairaka district School. What I would put in a kit if there was an disaster, the stuff I would take will be: Safety kit, food in cans, water bottles, dried food, torch, batteries, a book and a pencil or a pen.
    If I want to have a meeting out side then I would have a meeting next to an letter box or the car or something, because I would of been in a rush because there would of been a earthquake that came like minutes ago.

    If there was a disaster like an earthquake then I would go in the garage only if it is under the ground.

    What would you pack in your safety kit if there was an disaster?
    Blog you later.
    By Stephen


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