Under the Mountain Ponder 2



  1. Ello Room 25, if I was lost in a deep forest I would start a fire because there could be someone else in the forest who could help meh.
    Noice Ponder by da way

  2. Kia Ora Mr G, I would probably just shout so smeone might be able to hear me or maybe I would retrace my steps and try and get back on the right track. If I had a phone I would check for reception and use google maps. Blog you later!

  3. Hi Mr G,
    I would probably call for help and try to find a clue or something that would help me find my way back.
    Blog you later!

  4. Hi
    What I would do when I was lost in a forest when its day I will search for help and my way out when it will start going dark I would look for sticks and start a fire and rest or I might get a thick stick light that on fire and travel.
    Blog you latter Danica

  5. Hello there Room 25 I would be very scared and would not be very happy if plus I would get some wood and make a fire and I would also go get some food that's what I would do. BLoG YoU LAtEr. Kaynin

  6. Hi Room 25. This what I would do if I was stuck in the forest. I would scream "HELP ME I'M NEAR THE RIVER HELP" and stay calm except for that first part. That's what I probably do.

  7. Hello room 25! If I got lost in the woods, I would probably
    sit down, think about where I am, and don't panic.
    Then, I would gather stuff that could help me survive.
    Blog ya later! =)

  8. Kia ora room 25
    if I was lost in the forest
    I would start a fire to keep warm and then I would yell because someone could be close
    blog ya later!!!

  9. Hi Mr G,
    Ted here from your class
    If I was lost in a deep dark forest I would look for someone and shout but I could not find anybody I would climb to the top of a tree so that if there were any animals so I would be safe and if It was super dark and I could not see then I would just find a tree and then I would just curl up in a ball and wait till the morning.

  10. Helo rm 25,
    if I got lost in a forest I would shout out and see if anyone would help me. And also before I go into the forest I would take a phone so I could call somebody. Bye

  11. Hi Room 25, I don't know what I would do but I guess I could shout to someone. I guess I could also call if I had a phone and reception.
    Blog ya later,

  12. Hello R/25, If I was Lost in a deep forest, I would dig for gemstones, until someone finds me. I hope you have a bloggy day.

  13. Kia Ora Mr G, I would probably act a bit of Bear Grills Then I would make a forest Hut the next thing would be tracing things such as my footsteps and maybe the trees as well. If not this situation then I would call out for a bit or just strangly walk werever.
    Blog ya' later!

  14. Hi room 25 If I was lost in the forest I would stay calm and try find some food to give me energy then try and start a fire to keep me warm and people could also spot the smoke and the fire would be bright so they could also see that.
    Blog ya later

  15. Kia ora Room 25, if I was lost in a forest I would yell so someone could hear me. I would also ring someone if there was wifi or reception.
    Blog ya later

  16. Hi its Lochie
    I would find some place warm to sleep, some drinkable water and some food.

  17. Hi Room 25 Libby here if I was lost in the forest I would... start to make a fort and see if there was any food around, and definitely try not to panic. then I would have a look around to see if I could find anyone. blog you later!!

  18. Hi room 25 i would rather use my phone to use google maps or look on the map thats all i have for today blog u later

  19. Hello Mr G,
    I think I would look for supply to get my self comfortable to sleep In the morning I would go looking for settlement.
    Blog you later, Caleb

  20. Kia Ora Mr.G, my name is Milo from room 25. I really liked this post because I was really happy to answer this question. I remember getting lost at the markets and it was SCARY. I was small and everyone was looking for me. here is what I would do: I would try and find some wood, leaves and rocks to create a fire and hopefully the smoke could catch someones attention. I would also stay calm and try and find some food. Anyways, thank you for sharing your blog. Maybe next time you could introduce yourself? Also, was this fun to make? What would you do if you were lost in the woods? Blog You Later! P.s, check out My Blog. Copy and paste this link: https://odsmilom.blogspot.com/

  21. Hello Room 25
    If i was lost in a forest i would stay still hoping that someone comes and fides me and try and not pance but i proble pance anyway.

  22. Hello Mr G, Mackenzie here.
    If I was in the forest by myself with my sister a would try getting out and ask for help!
    What would you do?
    Blog Ya Later.

  23. Kia ora Room 25, if I was lost in the forest I would: 1. Check to see if I could phone for help. 2. Climb a tree and look for a good way to walk. 3. Yell for help!


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