Family Fun Night!

 What a great turn out for our annual Family Fun Night! This night is a great opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate our kids.

Here are some reflections by our students:

On Family Fun Night was so cool. I played the Chocolate game and I did my performing at 4:55 pm. We got changed in Room 24. We got designed outfits. We got the lolly game. When we played the game we got lollies and chips. I am in the Scottish group.

by Jeremy

At Family Fun Night it was so much fun. When it was the Niuean group, I got

nerves because there was tons of people looking at us. Last year I was not that

scared because I didn't smile I just had a straight face. When I got there I was just

eating food until it was my turn to go on stage. After that my mum gave me 2

slices of pizza it was good, but I tried not to get it on my face. I was quite bored

because I came to family fun night at 4:30pm so I just went to find my friends.The last thing we did was the meke. I messed up a lot like when we

have to go down.

By: Vihaan๐Ÿ˜Ž

Family Fun Night๐Ÿ

After school Yesterday/Thursday we had Family Fun Night.

It was so fun and we got to perform our culture groups.

I am in Cook Island group. After we performed we got lolly necklaces.

We played lots of games and I loved the ping pong game with Mr Faulder where you had to hit the lollies or a bag of chips. Mr Greenfield's one was fun too where you had to either hit the dragon or get the bead in the castle with a catapult.

By Tulsi

Family Fun Night

At Family Fun Night it was so fun!! I was in the Niuean group. I got so scared

upstage, but then I got confident. Then I did the spear dance and my necklace

fell off and broke. Oliver gave me his necklace and he put mine in his pocket. I

wasn't allowed to smile. I had to have a straight face. The food was the best so

yum! I won a Mentos and I had a slice of a pizza and chocolate bars. We were

the last people to perform. I had a roti roll just before the performance. It was so

yummy! I got changed back into my clothes and I'm 19 and then I forgot to take

my shaky things. The shaky things was bottle caps and ribbon tied around my


by Jude

Family Fun Night

On Family Fun Night me and my bud’s Issa, Sal, Oliver, and Vihaan were all doing different games with different people and together. 45 mins later I had to go to get changed. I had to put on a blue skirt and a feathery thing that goes around my neck and then after I got changed into my outfit I did my performance.

by Miller

Family Fun Night!

Yesterday we had Family Fun Night. It was really fun. My mom was working so I stayed with Miss Hoffman. Miss Hoffmann had to go get popsicles, so I stayed with Mr Lyons. I went and got $13 worth of tickets. Then Miss Hoffmann came back. I went with my friends and played Choc Toss, got a fizzy drink, played Mr G’s game, and ate a lot. I slso played Guess The Prize. I won a fan, a Yo-Yo, a bath soap set, and a pocket comb. After that, I had to go get dressed at 5:15. I got changed, then we went to practice on the field, then we performed. It was super Fun! After I performed, I gave the bath soaps and the comb to Miss Hoffmann. She really liked it. 

By Bhargavi


Family Fun Night is a fun night because you can buy food and watch the cultural groups perform. If you don’t know what eat then here are the choices: pizza, samosa and fried rice.

By Zejm

Family Fun Night 

After school on 3rd of December it was Family Fun Night. When you show your cultural group dance I was in the Samoan group and my friend, Tulsi, was in Cook Islands, that I was in last year and my other friend, Jasmine, was in Niuean group and my sister was in Scottish.

We had to leave early because it is one of the shortish ones. I was after Tulsi’s group so I couldn't see hers. I was getting dressed but I could see Jasmine’s group because that was the last group on stage. My group was all ready to be on stage, half of my family came. My aunties came, my dad, mom, older sister that is at intermediate, my church leader, and my older sister’s friends. I was in the front row because I am small. I was with the year threes in the front. I love being in the middle front because everyone can see me, I am so glad. When I was performing I saw my family watching me. I was smiling the whole time. Once I was finished Tulsi and Jasmine and my family were telling me how great I was that made me happy.

By Danica

Family Fun Night

At Family Fun Night, it's like the Cultural  Festival but there are lots of games that you can play and you can get lots of yummy food.

by Ariana

Family Fun Night  

On Family fun night there was lots of food like pizza and chocolate. I was in the

African group. We didn't muck up the dance at all. I saw my brother in the

Niuean group.  

By Floyd

 Family Fun Night

Hi I’m Sal and this is what I did in Family Fun Night. After school I went with my friend Jude and we went to

drive for a little bit so Jude’s baby could sleep. 

Jude was doing the Matakau Niue dance. Then we went to Family Fun Night and judes mum  got some tickets for

Jude . Then I got to see Jude’s family. Then we went to get some food. I thought I had no tickets. 

I went to my sister and told her I needed tickets. She gave me 15 tickets and after that, I went and got a hot dog.

The hot dog cost 2 tickets. Then we went to the stage to see the Cook Island dance. We were waiting for the pizza

to get ready. Oliver, my other friend, got me some chocolate because he is allergic. I got so tired. I got maltesers.

I was in the “no group” so I didn't dance. 

Then Jude got dressed and it took a long time. So I went to play  my teacher's game and got some Mentos.

After that I got an ice block. Then I bought hot chocolate for my sister because it was her time to perform on the

stage. She was doing the African group. Then my dad came to the Family Fun Night. Then I bought  my dad’s

dinner - some pizza - then Jude and Oliver’s. Vihaan's dance came on. I was trying to do it. It looked really bad.

By Sal ๐Ÿ‘

Family Fun Night

At Family Fun Night, I first got some tickets, and I got a $10 one. My mum told me to give one of the $10 ones to my friend Ina since I had to stay with her because my mum and dad had to go to my brother's graduation for his intermediate. So then I said bye to my mum and went with Ina to my teacher's shop to try it out. I saw one of my best friends Bhargavi (but for short I call her BG).  I had a go of my teacher's game, and the game my teacher was doing was a thing where you have to catapult beads into a box castle. There was also a dragon on top of the castle so if you hit that you got a lollipop. If you got a bead into the castle you got a Mentos. I got into the castle three times and even one time I got it through the door! I hit the dragon once, so I got a cola lollipop BG got a grape and we both wanted to trade lollipops so we did.

 Then I went with Ina to guess the prize with my other friend called Philly. I thought it was a head torch but in the end it was a keyring torch. Then we had to get dressed for African group. Philly needed to get undressed so I went to room 17 to get dressed. 

When I was finished I went to the hall. I was very nervous so Ina bought me a cookie and that kinda helped. Then it was our go. I was relieved in the end and it was kinda fun on stage. When it was all done me and PHilly started goofing on the field, but then Ina came to ask me to go on the playground. Philly had to go but Ariana, Ina, and I played tag on the playground. Then my mum came to pick me up. We then went, and I had a lot of fun. 

by Aoibheann

Family Fun Night

Hi my name Is Issa and i am in the African group there are 14 people 2 of my friends are in the African group the African teacher is mr g hes also my teacher there was a chocolate game you can win chocolate and lollies my favorite game was the chocolate game       

By Issa  


  1. Hi my name is Leo from room 22
    I do agree with you all it was very nerve wracking at family fun night but still very fun. hope you all have a nice rest of your year.

  2. Hey my name is Kali,
    I really like how you guys share what you did with your family on Family Fun Night! I seemed like everyone had so much fun. Next time you should add photos of you guys having fun with your family. This reminded me of when me and my family use to always had movie nights on Friday. What was your favourite part about the Family Fun Night? I wish you guys the best!

    Nga mihi,


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