
Technology at year 4 is about identifying problems or needs, thinking through possibilities, then trialling solutions.

At Home: Discuss why/how things work. Light switches just work (usually). Why? How? Follow the paths of systems and examine all of the bits that make them up. Why are things designed in certain ways? You may find some hidden uses for everyday things!

Part of the new Digital Curriculum is for students to understand the ins and outs of Input/Output systems. Check out this video by clicking the picture. In the video, I follow an Input/Output system as I investigate my home studio.

Technology 1 - Inputs and Outputs

TASK 1: Draw and label all of the Inputs and Outputs in the video. Label what goes in or out of each one. NOTE: There are 2 Inputs and 3 Outputs.

TASK 2: Find another invention in your house that has Input, Processing, and Output. Write about it, or photograph it and email me. I'll put them on this page!

Here is an example of an Input/Output invention: a Toaster.

  • You put bread in (input), 
  • The toaster grills the bread (it processes the bread), 
  • Toast comes out (output).

Technology Tasks from Week 1
Wow! These students have been exploring Input/Process/Output systems from our
Technology Tasks (Week 1). He pai o mahi, akonga!

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